Business &
High-Performance lifestyle

“I can. I will. Watch me.” and “We can. We will. Watch us.” are impactful words that Spiritual & HPL Coach, community and economic development thought leader, Carmelo G. Garcia lives by this mantra that has taken him from a kid in the public housing projects of Hoboken, New Jersey, to the state legislature then to serving at the helm of economic and community development in some of New Jersey’s largest, most dynamic, and challenging urban cities—and arguably, the country. A graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology, Harvard’s prestigious Kennedy School of Government, Cornell, Seton Hall and Rutgers university.
Garcia is certified as a John Maxwell Coach and has created a masterful blueprint for becoming a leader amongst leaders in times of both peace and crisis. He has in the last two decades led, managed, and trained over 1,000 employees. Transforming them from good to great and overachiever to high performer. Now he’s using his coaching platform and calling to help others in discovering their best self and finding their purpose to unlock their greatness. Carmelo G. has been a global, diverse keynote speaker, a world-class strategist and motivator. Known as Coach G. in the leadership development discipline he’s developed the 5G model on producing habits that help you own your alignment and stay grounded in the spirit. He’s a sought after trainer, facilitator, influencer, author and distinguished servant leader.
“The meaning of life is to find your gift and a the purpose of it is to give it away”
We’re in the business of developing your human potential and coaching you to become the leader among leaders. The mantra is powerful and effective as it produces great fruits of affirmation, but more important a blueprint for significance. We teach different methods, models and create systems for success. Like in everything in life we are creatures of habits and if we don’t have a chassy to sustain our engine to drive us forward then we fall short of fulfilling our purpose and leaving a legacy.
Well-being and resilience are linked but also highly individualized. With the help of a coach, some managers realize they need to increase exercise to boost their energy levels. Others focus on regulating emotions to navigate the ups and downs of their day-to-day life. Coaches support and propel these behavior changes through personalized conversations, intentional practice and reflection opportunities, and accountability. We focus on leadership development, owning your alignment, team dynamics training, John Maxwell models and transformation tables for your group.
why coaching?
“A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.”
Coaching helps business leaders build emotional and spiritual intelligence, with greater self-awareness, empathy, and self-control. Professional coaches provide observations and feedback about individual performance and assist leaders with developing strategies for personal and team improvement. Coaches help you identify your strengths and areas of concern and encourage you to leverage your strengths to address your concerns, helping you to live a fuller, meaningful life that empowers you.
How does High Performance Lifestyle Coaching work to deliver results? Dubbed the “high-performance lifestyle” (HPL), it combines physical health, mental health, technology and spiritual intelligence. Why it matters: HPL aims to track and optimize human performance. Athletes have been doing this for decades; now, thanks to data democratization, anyone can. High-performance coaching is about helping people to achieve their very best. It’s particularly useful for long-range career or life planning, for dealing with career change points, for making changes to performance or behavior, and for dealing with major life setbacks.
HPL Coaching is a partnership between coach and client. The coach helps the client to achieve their personal best and to produce the results they want in their personal and professional lives. Coaching ensures the client can give their best, learn and develop in the way they wish.

the motivatEYOU app
MotivateYou is not just a motivation app, it’s a revolutionary high performance lifestyle coach that you can connect to at any time through video or chat to receive your D.O.S.E. Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins to become your best self for whatever challenge you face. A community that produces a better version of yourself that fulfills your God given purpose. If you want to be the best, get ready to MotivateYou! “WE CAN. WE WILL. WATCH US.” Make a Difference
Why motivatEYOU?
A coaching app that combines emotional, spiritual, intellectual, HPL content with Neurolinguistics to unlock that inner purpose, greatness and Lion within you’re destined to become. It’s the most convenient and affordable way to improve your areas of weakness, receive that nudge or simply rely on that empowering mantra, affirmation the personal coach has you perform for breakthroughs.
how does it work?
MotivateYou will assign your own HPL or celebrity coach to feed your mind what it needs to grow to find or pursue your purpose. It has 8 master domains and 32 sub-category domains to build confidence, excitement, motivation, produce healing, inspiration and get you through that next challenge or conquer that feat by having your own HPL, celebrity coach. When you join the basic Motivator Plan it’s free, but you get limited access. The VIP plan provides you unlimited access to a vault of ongoing coaching videos and your own HPL, celebrity coach weekly along with a growth journal. VIP Membership also gives you a growth action plan and the upgrade is exceptional.
Is it effective?
Yes, a powerful tool to deal with burnout, fear, anxiety, stress, tension, paralysis, loss, pandemic fatigue, nervousness, exhaustion and getting unstuck. The brain learns in threes and fours so having our coaches deliver the customized mantra will absolutely charge you up! As founders we realized the seeds everyone needs planted are of wisdom, repetition, guidance affirmations and access to high performance lifestyle coaches that believe in others owning their alignment of the ESP triumphant mindset!
By author Carmelo G. Garcia
I Can. I Will. Watch ME. offers a powerful mantra to catapult people to success. Divided into sixteen chapters, each offers a step or piece of wisdom for achieving purpose, success and significance in life. Together, they compile a blueprint for your life’s journey to go from successful to significant to leave your lasting legacy.
Carmelo refers to the chapters as “seeds you need to cultivate or principles of leadership.” Throughout the book, he shares his story, focusing on how he planted each seed and harvested its potential as an example to the reader for how to create their own harvest.
Carmelo achieved all this success through the power of believing in his light and salvation. Whenever someone told him something was too difficult or unrealistic for him to achieve, he replied with his incredible mantra, “I Can. I Will. Watch Me.” That mantra alone could change a life, but Carmelo has sprinkled these pages with numerous affirmations and acronyms to help people remember and be inspired by his message that can lead them on to success & significance.

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